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Easy Homemade Barbie Doll Cake with Skittles

My daughter turned 3 this year and was very excited. Before bed she said to me “I’d really like a Barbie cake for when Grandma and Grandpa come tomorrow”. This was at 7:30 pm. How was I going to pull this off?! (I had been planning some cupcakes but this I was not ready for!)

Well by midnight, I’d done it!

I went on this website for ideas but didn’t have any bowls that would work like what the other moms were suggesting, so I used a bundt cake and a 4″ spring form pan (you could possibly use a cup cake). I halved the bundt and iced in between (I first piped around the perimeter and then used a raspberry jam/pudding mixture as my middle just for the tastiness).

I used a skipper doll because she is shorter and therefore easier to work with. I used a top from the new Barbie we had gotten for her birthday as the inspiration for the design and as the top of the dress itself so that I didn’t have to “pipe”one on.

I put a hole in 4” cake and slipped Skipper in and “molded” the cake around her. From there I did my base icing (I use the buttercream icing recipe from the Wilton website and put extra at the waist of Skipper to bring the skirt up to the proper place on her body)and then decorated with pink icing and skittles (what kid doesn’t like skittles?!).

I was very pleased and so was my daughter. The look on her face the next morning was priceless!

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