Coolest Peppa Pig Cake

My daughter is crazy about Peppa Pig, so she asked me to make her a Peppa cake for her 3rd birthday!

The cake was quite simple, I made a sheet butter cake and cut out the outline for the face and body. After covering in icing I used colored fondant to cover over the shapes of the head and red dress. The rest of cake such as eyes, tail, arms etc I just shaped out of colored fondant and attached. The head and body were joined together using wooden skewers.

I used blue and green fondant rolled very thinly to cover the board for the background, but if I was to do this cake again I would just make a background out of colored paper! The fondant is very hard to roll that thin without breaking and did dry and crack a bit around the edges of the board because of it.

I don’t think anyone noticed though – everybody said they loved the cake!! (especially my little daughter xx)


Coolest Peppa Pig Cake

Coolest Peppa Pig Cake

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