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Coolest Siamese Cat Cake

Someone asked me to make a Siamese cat cake for her mother-in-law’s 80th birthday. She sent me a picture and this was the end result. This cake was a big hit at the party. Not only is it pretty, but it was delicious, too!

I started off with a 12 x 18 sheet cake and a 9 x 13, and 2 mini balls for the head. On a cake board, I drew the shape of the cake. I cut it out and covered it with foil. I placed the shaped board on the 9 x 13 cake, and using a bread knife, I cut the cake the same shape as the board.

I attached the head using frosting. To the head, I attached the ears using gum paste and toothpicks. I then used the left over pieces of cake and shaped it to get the rounded body look of the cake.

I dirty frosted the cake. I then used the grass tip to pipe hair all over the cake (with white frosting). I used my airbrush and brown and white color mixed together for as tan. I airbrushed the entire cake. I then used black to airbrush the tail, paws, face, and ears. I piped the eyes and nose using a number 2 tip.

I frosted the 12 x 18 cake and placed the cat on top, then I added in the writing on the sheet cake.

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