The Little Mermaid Cake

This Little Mermaid cake was created on the request of my five year old daughter who specifically wanted a Bratz Mermaid Cake. The cake mixture is the basic beat and bake Cadbury’s chocolate cake recipe and one lot of mixture was used for the doll tin (the rock) and the other lot of mixture was used for the normal round cake tin (the ocean).

Once cooked and cooled the base was flattened and blue butter icing spread on top to mimic waves. The feet and bottom clothing of the doll were removed and the doll was stuck straight into the top of the doll tin cake. This was then positioned towards the back of the ocean base.

No icing was used to cover ‘the rock’ as it looked authentic enough. Then the tail was created from ready made icing died green and shaped accordingly. Mint leaves were sliced in half and arranged for the tail.

Sea creatures were patiently created by my husband who used soft Jubes for the body, sliced musk sticks and ready made died icing for the legs and icing sugar and hundreds and thousands for the eyes.

Also used were Pods for the clams and base of ocean and musk sticks for the seaweed. We had a lot of fun making this cake and our daughter just loved it. It was a shame to cut it up and eat it.

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