I followed the instructions of the other cakes on this website, THANKS (Noah and Drake’s cakes specifically). This Baby Einstein caterpillar cake turned out great! I thought I would share my picture.
Baby Einstein caterpillar Cake: Wilton’s Sports Ball mold, needed 3 cake mixes – did 3 different flavors (carrot, chocolate and vanilla) for variety – guests loved it. I made 5 half domes. I used mini cupcakes for feet, pipe cleaners and red puffs for antennae and black icing with tip #16 for face.
Icing: I used Betty Crocker white icing (needed 4 of them, about 3/4 container for each color). I mixed in Wilton’s food coloring in royal blue, red, yellow, violet and green. I covered cakes with tip #16 (painstaking but worth it to get the textured look of a caterpillar).
Cookies: I made sugar cookies, used alphabet cookie cutters to cut out his name, and decorated with icing from cake and with Wilton tip #16. #1 sign: I used the mini cupcake pan and turned them upside down.
Tip: I only had one small icing bag for decorating.. I would recommend 5 bags (one for each color) and big ones because it takes a lot of icing to cover each cake.
This Baby Einstein caterpillar cake was perfect for my Baby Einstein themed first birthday party! Thanks to coolest-birthday-cakes.com for all of your help!
More Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake Ideas
Cake by Jennetta B., Manassas, VA

I got a request for a Baby Einstein caterpillar cake. I used the Wilton Sport’s pan for the cakes and I used Wilton’s candy clay for the children’s name and Happy Birthday. I used Duncan Hines cake mix and buttercream frosting. I outlined the names and the happy birthday with icing. Thank you for allowing me to share. It was fun to make.
Cake by Rhonda S., Morrisville, NC

For my son’s 1st birthday, we decided to go with the Baby Einstein Theme. Instead of making a rectangle cake and buying an edible Baby Einstein cake image/topper, I decided to do something a little more creative and make the actual Baby Einstein caterpillar cake.
I simply used a boxed cake mix and baked five little cakes (using 3.75″ corning-ware-like custard bowls), and then used the rest of the cake batter to make cupcakes. I cut up a cupcake for the feet and the tail. For the bright, true to color icing, I simply used the tubes of ‘cake mate’ decorating icing, with the accompanying decorating tips that just screw on the tubes.
I used M&M’s for the brown eyes and red cheeks/smile, and I used pipe cleaners and pompoms for the 3 dimensional effect of the caterpillar’s feelers. It doesn’t make a huge cake, but it was more than enough for our family celebration!

On my son’s 1st birthday, my wife really wanted a special birthday cake. She came up with the idea of a Baby Einstein theme and wanted the Baby Einstein caterpillar cake. I insisted on making the cake and used the caterpillar from the video as a guide. I wanted it 3 dimensional so I used the Wilton 6-inch sports ball to make the 4 sections of the body and used the 2-inch sports ball cake pans for the feet. I used a family recipe for the cake (you can use box cake mix).
I made a pedestal using cardboard and tin foil to hold the head and 3rd section of the body up to make it look like it was moving. Instead of writing on the cake, we made a flag and hung it in front of the cake saying ‘Happy 1st Birthday’. I used a #6 star-tip for the greater design and a #8 round for the detail on the face. We used licorice and wire for the antennas.
Everyone loved our Baby Einstein caterpillar cake!

Cake by Faith R., Bellwood, PA

My baby girl absolutely would squeal with delight at the sight of the Baby Einstein caterpillar, so that was my last minute decision for her first birthday cake. Being that I am an amateur cake decorator (this was a first for my husband and I!). I kept it simple for preparation.
For this Baby Einstein caterpillar cake I used my best 8″ rounds and made five, one for the head and four for the body part. I used prepared icing and Wilton colors to get the vibrant colors and cupcakes for the extremities. Cut out fruit rollups worked well for the cheeks and Twizzlers for the antennae. The end result was quite pleasing.
Parchment paper lining the bottom of the cake pans made the cakes release with ease and cardboard covered in foil made icing the sides a lot easier. Another nice thing about this Baby Einstein caterpillar cake is that we made three different kinds of cake, so everyone was happy!
Cake by Cathy C., Fall River, MA

My sister-in-law made this Baby Einstein caterpillar cake with large double layer round wedding cakes.
They used small mini rounds for the caterpillar with primary colors and made the small mini cake for him to smash. Then her daughter used fondant and made the turtle duck and ladybug.
This Baby Einstein caterpillar cake came out very cute, we all were very happy.

My son loves Baby Einstein, so I made this Baby Einstein caterpillar cake for his first birthday. I used the Wilton Sports Ball pan, and used packet mixes to make the cakes. I tried making my own recipe from scratch, but didn’t get very good results using this pan. One packet mix made two half circles. I made two chocolate, and three carrot cake. I iced the cakes using a #16 tip.
I used Twinkies for the feet and went to my local supermarket’s bulk candy section to make his face. I colored coconut green to make the grass. The letters were foam letters stuck to the board.
Cake by Shelley K., Harrisburg, PA

My son loved watching Baby Einstein movies; in fact it’s the only thing he’d watch! His favorite by far was the caterpillar. So for his first birthday I decided to have the Baby Einstein theme, but like others, I had a really hard time finding anything with the caterpillar, especially when it came to the Baby Einstein caterpillar cake!
After finding nothing I decided to come up with it myself. I used a Wilton sports ball pan. I made halves with the pan, and made the head the whole circle. I used regular vanilla icing and used food coloring to dye it. The antennas are lollypops, and the little feet and face are made of blueberries.
This cake was over 2 feet long. I had to send the hubby out to the Home Depot to get a piece of plywood to put this thing on! This was a very time consuming and messy cake to make, but very much worth the smile on my son’s face when he saw it! :)
Cake by Monica R., Walland, TN

My mother and I made my son’s smash Baby Einstein caterpillar cake for his 1st birthday party. Everyone loved it, including my son. The 6-inch cake was the perfect size for him, especially since it was going to be destroyed.
The cake board is made of a piece of foam poster board (bought in the school supply aisle at Walmart). We cut it into an 8 or 9-inch circle. The cake is made using two 6-inch round Wilton cake pans. The 6-inch is just the perfect size for little hands. We stacked the two cakes on top of each other with a layer of frosting in between to act as glue.

To keep your cake from sliding around while frosting it, spread a little frosting on the board before setting the first cake on it and you can also stick a thin rod or skewer down the center of the cakes.
We frosted the entire cake with a white colored frosting and then removed the skewer and covered up the small hole. A spreading spatula dipped in hot water works great to get the frosting as smooth as possible. Using a cake decorating set, we put the caterpillar, words, and dots on the cake.,
Cake by Monica R., Walland, TN

My mother and I made an ADORABLE Baby Einstein caterpillar cake for my son’s first birthday. It was very time consuming, but I am so glad that we did it. I was so excited to see how well it turned out. We actually baked and decorated the cake the day before his birthday because his party was at 1:00 and we were afraid that we would be pressed for time. I highly recommend doing this unless you have a lot of free time and your party is later in the afternoon.
We made part of the cake with butter recipe yellow mix and part of it chocolate. The antenna and feet are made from cupcakes. To make the board for the cake we taped 2 foam poster boards together (bought at Walmart in the school supply aisle). I traced an outline of the cake size on the board and then covered it with parchment paper.

The outline can faintly be seen through the paper. This helped to know were to place the first few pieces of the cake.
For the cake we used: two of the 6-inch round Wilton cake pans; using two will save some baking time, 3 boxes of cake mix (half of one mix is for the cupcakes), and 4 tubs of white colored frosting food coloring (red, yellow, purple, blue, green, black, and pink).
I cut out little notches of the round body parts where they were going to be meeting up with each other so that they laid flush against each other. I also cut out parts of the cupcakes so that they would lie nicely against the round body.
We found it easiest to spread a spoonful of frosting on the board beneath each round body part to keep it from sliding when we frosted it. We also connected all the pieces of the round body together first with some frosting used as a “glue”.
Another trick to keeping the board clean is to cut little strips of parchment paper and slide them under the edges of the cake before frosting it and then removing them when you are done frosting each section.
Mixing the colors actually took a long time, so plan on that. In the pictures, the purple and the blue look somewhat similar, but I think it was just the flash or the lighting. We frosted each piece of the body and smoothed the frosting out with a spreading spatula dipped in hot water. We filled in any gaps with the cake decorating kit and left over frosting.
This Baby Einstein caterpillar cake, from start to finish, took about 6 hours to make. Baking and cooling the cakes took over half of that time and mixing the colors and decorating took the other half. Seeing the finished product was well worth the time and effort!
Cake by Jennifer M., Prairieville, LA

For this Baby Einstein Caterpillar cake we made five half balls from the Wilton Sports Ball pans. We filled and iced each one and then divided a five pound bag of Wilton white fondant and colored each yellow, red, bright blue, purple, and teal. Color each section of fondant one at a time; it dries fast so do one section while keeping the other sections in separate Ziploc bags.
Knead the fondant until color is evenly dispersed, or buy colored fondant, and then roll it out and drape over the cake. Use a fondant smoother to smooth the edges and cut the excess fondant. Do this for each of the five cakes, and store the excess fondant in a Ziploc bag – do not mix colors.
Color the purple fondant black and shape the eyes with a small yellow circle for the eyeball. Then use the excess red for the smile and mouth, and the excess yellow for the feet. Your little one will love this Baby Einstein caterpillar cake!!!

I got my Baby Einstein caterpillar cake idea from this website. I wanted to do a baby Einstein theme and saw the caterpillar cakes.
I made a mini version using small Pyrex bowls to cook a boxed cake mix. I mixed up vanilla frosting with food coloring and covered each mini cake in a different color. I used chocolate chips for the eyes and licorice for the antennae. I drew on the mouth with gel decorating frosting.
Everyone loved it, but of course my one year old wore more then she actually ate!