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Coolest Homemade Shrek Cake

My nephew just turned 4 and is Shrek mad. Three hours before we had a family dinner for him, his mum asked if I’d make his cake, so this Homemade Shrek Cake decoration was planned as we went.

I used a basic chocolate cake recipe then made some white icing. I set about 3 spoons of it aside before colouring the rest of it green. At this time I also painted two half size ice-cream cones with food colouring and put them in the hot water cupboard to stop them getting soggy! I iced the cake in the green, then used two dollops of the remaining white icing for eyes, using chocolate buttons with a small bit of icing on them as eyeballs. Sprinked hot chocolate powder made his eyebrows.

I then carved a nose from a large (and quite sour!!) apple. Cheeks were made next to this with spoonfuls of icing. The rest of the white icing I made pink and put into a small packet. Snipping a corner off, I was able to pipe this out to make a mouth.

I dug out two small holes on either side of Shrek’s head for the ice-cream cone ears and plugged them in. Because of the rush in making this, the middle of the cake was still a bit warm when I iced it, which meant Shrek’s nose looked a bit runny! But all worked out well and my nephew loved the Shrek cake!

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