Noela wanted a Butterfly cake for her 15th Birthday but didn’t want it from a premade pan, said it would be more special if mommy did it. She wanted Strawberry-Devils Food Marble flavor with Strawberry, Chocolate Fudge and Rainbow Chip icing. I used 2 9-inch round pans for the wings and a loaf pan for the body. I cut the body shape out of the load pan and saved 2 ends for the antennas. I then cut the 9-inch cakes in two, cut an angle off the ends of each, a little more off the top so they were slightly smaller, then fit the wings to the body. I used the Strawberry icing on the wings, then the Rainbow Chip for a design in the middle then outlined them with the Chocolate Fudge. I also used the Chocolate for the body and Rainbow Chip for eyes & nose & first “N”. Took a little Strawberry and shadowed the “N”, put a 15 on 1 upper wing and a heart on the other. Ended with outlining the complete cake on the bottom with Rainbow Chip. She LOVES it! I think it’ll be a big hit at the party.
Homemade 15th Birthday Butterfly Cake

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