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Coolest Swimming Pool Birthday Cake

I made my oldest son this swimming pool birthday cake for his birthday pool party. I stacked two regular cakes on top of each other. With a butter knife I made the out line for the pool, and with a spoon carefully dug out about an inch for the water.

I then frosted the entire cake including the inside of the pool with gray frosting. I refrigerated the cake for about a 1/2 hour so the icing would get cold and harden a little bit. In the mean time while the cake was in the fridge, I made 1 box of blue jello as directed on the box, and poured into a small bowl to refrigerate. Amount of jello will depend on how big and deep your pool is.

After the 30 minutes had past, I took the cake and jello out of the fridge, the jello should still be liquidy but cold. I poured the liquid jello into the top of the cake which is the swimming pool, and put back into the fridge for an hour or until the jello hardens up. I then decorated the cake with teddy grahams and candy.

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