Coolest Horse Birthday Cake

Homemade Horse Birthday Cake

I made this Horse birthday cake for a friend’s daughter. She loves horses and her mom wanted one for her 6th birthday. I used two 14″ pans for the pasture and after crumb coating them, I covered them with “grass” in buttercream. The horse is made by using the Wilton 3-D duck pan. I cut … Read more

Coolest Homemade Horse Cake Photos and Tips 4

I made this cake for my boys first birthday, we had made him a rocking horse for his present so the whole party was a ‘horse’ theme. I baked two round chocolate cakes in mixing bowls, the smaller one obviously cooked a lot faster. I cut a little space out of the larger one to … Read more

Coolest Homemade Horse Cakes 10

My daughter was into My Little Ponies. The previous year I made a pony cake so I did not want to duplicate it. She picked horse invitations and horse cakes that I tried to duplicate. I borrowed a cake pan from a friend who purchased a fantastic cake mold. First I purchased melt able chocolates … Read more

Coolest Homemade Horse Head Birthday Cake

Homemade Horse Head Birthday Cake

I made this Horse Head birthday cake in a 13″ x 9″ pan. I carved the cake into a horse’s head, iced it with chocolate frosting and used licorice strings for the mane and forelock. I would have used black if I could have found them. It was the first cake I had made with … Read more

Cool Homemade Horse Cake Design

Homemade Horse Cake Design

This Horse Cake Design is for my niece’s 3rd birthday. I copied a picture of the horse head from the internet. Then I traced the size of my 12×12 square pan onto a piece of paper. I then drew my horse picture in the square. I traced it onto a piece of wax paper and … Read more

Coolest Girlie Horse Head Cake

Homemade Girlie Horse Head Cake

This girlie Horse head cake is a request from a friend for her daughter’s birthday. A vanilla sponge with butter cream and jam filling. A 10″ square cut to a template with dips cut for neck, cheek , nose and face then a crumb coat and layer of chocolate fondant icing. I used chocolate butter … Read more

Coolest Homemade Horse Birthday Cake

Homemade Horse Birthday Cake

To make this Horse birthday cake, I found a horse picture online, enlarged it using Paint Shop and printed it off the computer. I then taped the two pieces together for a guideline on tracing it onto the cake. I used buttercream for the whole cake except for the hair and the bow. I used … Read more

Coolest Homemade Horse Cake Photos and Tips 5

The horse cake: 11 x 15 Butter Cream (2 cake mixes) I used canned frosting to save on time – Butter Cream for the background and chocolate for the horse. I placed a smooth layer on the entire cake, outlined my horse with a chocolate piping line and filled it in with the tip that … Read more

Coolest Horse Birthday Cake

Homemade Horse Birthday Cake

For this Horse Birthday Cake, I made a double butter yellow cake mix. I used a large 9×11 cake pan, froze the cake and outlined the major part of the head (excluding the ears) with a knife before cutting. With the extra parts, I cut out the ears and a piece for the eye so … Read more

Coolest Horse Birthday Cake Idea

Homemade Horse Birthday Cake Idea

My 4 year old daughter loved horses so I decided on a Horse Birthday Cake Idea. I came on this website for some ideas and came up with this one as the best for me. I drew a template on paper first and then used it to cut out the cake. I used a large … Read more

Coolest Horse Cupcake Cake

Homemade Horse Cupcake Cake

I have three sons and they are crazy about horses! They were turning 4, 3 and 2. They were all born in October. The oldest and youngest were both born on the 20th and the middle boy the 21st! So we had one big joint party! We made this horse cupcake cake for their birthday … Read more

Coolest Horse Birthday Cake

Horse Birthday Cake

My daughter loves horses and wanted a Horse Birthday Cake. With a 13″x9″ cake pan and a little creativity, this cake put a big smile on her face! I added plastic flowers and butterflies to add extra pretty’s to this already awesome cake. This cake was a big hit at her birthday party!