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Coolest Animated Butterfly Cake

I’ve been baking all kinds of fun cakes for my friends and family for the past year, just as a hobby. So, for my own birthday, I wanted to make something really special and unique!

I had this idea of having a garden cake and I really wanted butterflies that would actually “fly” around it.

I asked my uncle, an industrial designer, for help and he developed a motor for me. The only problem was that the motor was bigger than I expected and I couldn’t place it inside the cake. So, instead, I put it inside a cut-out PET bottle that I later covered with fondant in the shape of a tree trunk.

I wanted the butterflies to be as real-looking as possible, but they also had to be very light in weight so the motor would spin them. The best solution I came up with was printing pictures of real butterflies onto transparency sheets(those used for overhead projectors). After cutting them out, I just added some glitter, for a sparkling effect, and attached them to the motor using very thin wire.

I then placed the tree trunk on the cake (which was chocolate) and decorated the rest with buttercream grass and fondant flowers.

The result was wonderful! Everyone loved it and people at the restaurant actually asked me for my business card, not believing when I told them I wasn’t a professional cake designer. This one made me really proud! :)

12 thoughts on “Coolest Animated Butterfly Cake”

  1. I love this cake! All of these cakes are amazing! Where would I get a motor from? You had your uncle make yours, but can you buy them somewhere?

    I would like to make one for my daughter’s first birthday at the end of this month

  2. I am new to caking as they say but I too love to go above normal expectations and this is really so inspiring to see! You did a wonderful job!!! Keep it up girlfriend!!!

  3. OMG, your cakes are just amazing, I’m almost speechless- THAT never happens(I’m a motor-mouth). Anyway, I am now going to coerce my wonderful hubby to help me with these motors. Your cakes are so awesome- You have been blessed with a very creative mind. I hope to one day do cakes half as nice as yours.. Thanks for the inspiration, your my heros, because your regular people, not TV stars!!

  4. WOW, I loved the butterfly cake. Butterfly is the theme for my sister’s baby shower and I am having a really hard time finding one. Plus she wants it icecream!

    I do love your cake though. It’s super nice!


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