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Flaming Transformer Birthday Cake

I wish I had a better picture of this, but here it is. I made this cake for my friend’s son’s birthday. He loves Transformers so I came up with this. I later put some other cars and an Optimus Prime toy and a bumble bee toy on the cake, but failed to get some pictures of it finished :( I used fondant for the road, boarder, flames, and his name. It’s easier than it looks. You can paint the fondant just like you would paint a picture. Just use a brush, food coloring and some water to blend with (not too much water though, it will get too mushy). The water also makes it look shiny (and will stay shiny even after it dries). You can even use a little water on a paper towel or your finger to take color off if you mess up. For the gravel, I used chopped peanuts. I also used regular tube icing for the lines in the road. I took a hellicopter and put wire in the back of it and pushed the other end of the wire in the cake; making it look like it was flying above. The cake itself was just regular box cake (chocolate), it took 3 boxes for this one. Under the fondant and peanuts, I used buttercream frosting. Everyone said it tasted just as good as it looked.

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