Coolest Minnie Mouse Birthday Cake

Coolest Minnie Mouse Birthday Cake

I decided to make this cake for my daughters 2nd birthday. I knew it would be fairly easy since I made Mickey for my son’s 2nd birthday a few years ago.  I was worried about the bow but it worked out that her birthday is at the end of January and all the Christmas items are on … Read more

Coolest Baby Mickey Mouse Cake

Coolest Baby Mickey Mouse Cake

This was for a dear friend of mine, a Tres Leches Baby Mickey Mouse cake. The cake was a marble cake and the Tres Leches mixture is a combination of condensed, evaporated and heavy cream mixed with vanilla and rum. When the cake is cool, it is bathed and smothered with the milk mixture. Traditionally … Read more

Cool Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake

Cool Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake

With some encouragement from my mom, I decided to attempt to make the Mickey Mouse birthday cake for my son’s 2nd birthday.  I can make “regular” cakes (from a box!), but had never tried making homemade butter cream,  never used icing tips/bags etc.  About 1 month before, I made a “practice” cake, just to see if I … Read more

Coolest Mickey Mouse Cake for 1st Birthday

Coolest Mickey Mouse Cake for 1st Birthday

I made this Mickey Mouse cake for my first son, he loves Mickey and his 1st birthday party was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme. It took two days to make, the inside is a marble cake. I loved it so much I will make an effort to make every single cake for his birthday parties! People … Read more

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Cake

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Cake

For my son’s 3rd birthday party I decided to make his favorite show, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  This was my first experience working with fondant, and I can’t wait to try it again to fix all my mistakes!  I started with a sheet cake, then cooked the base of the clubhouse in a Pyrex bowl.  I iced the … Read more

Cool Homemade Gerbil Birthday Cake

Coolest Gerbil Birthday Cake

The base is a square cake covered with chocolate icing. The gerbils are sugar mice (iced with different shades of chocolate and with chocolate tails).  The sawdust is biscuit crumb.  The house is chocolate cake made in a curved container then carved and covered in chocolate icing. The bowl and colored tube are made of moldable icing … Read more

Coolest Minnie Mouse Cake

Coolest Minnie Mouse Cake

Being a mom is the greatest job I could ever ask for. My kids are my world and I would do anything and everything for them. So when I starting planning my daughter’s 5th birthday party, I asked her what she wanted to do for her party. Her answer changed three different times in a … Read more

Coolest Chinchilla Cake Photos

Coolest Chinchilla Cake Photos

We had just adopted a family of chinchillas so of course when my husband’s birthday came around the kids said “let’s make dad a chinchilla cake!”(I think they like coming up with impossible tasks for me). I hunted everywhere and there was nothing to reference other than the furry little critters in our family room. … Read more

Coolest Diddl and Diddlina Cake

Coolest Diddl and Diddlina Cakes on the Web's Largest Homemade Birthday Cake Gallery

I did a simple Betty Crocker chocolate cake then I used the ready icing paste and added food coloring by dipping a toothpick first in the coloring then in paste until came the desired colour. Then I formed the shape of Diddlina. I made the print larger to calculate the exact size.

Coolest Maisy Mouse Cake

Coolest Maisy Mouse Cake Ideas and Photos

I made this Maisy Mouse cake for my son’s second birthday as it was his favorite character at the time. I baked a big rectangular sponge cake. I then copied a picture of Maisy’s head that I found in one of his books. I first covered all the top of the cake with uncolored butter … Read more

Coolest Groundhog Day Cake

Coolest Picture of Cake Ideas for Birthdays and Holidays

My sister’s birthday is on Groundhogs Day, so I wanted to bake her a cake, and here was the perfect idea. I just baked 2 round cakes, iced them and stacked together. The groundhog was made from the Wilton mini teddy bear cake pan. I dug a hole in the center of the cake to … Read more

Cool DIY Squirrel Cake

Coolest Squirrel Cake Photos

My friend approached me and asked if I would make her a chocolate squirrel for her birthday. I don’t know of any squirrel pans out there so I had to use my imagination on this one. I just took a regular 9″x13″ pan and carved with a knife so I got the general shape. I … Read more