I made this cake for my four year old’s “Surfer party” at our local pool. I started with 30 cupcakes (15 chocolate 15 white) and arranged them in off-set rows. The birthday cake decorations are as follows. The “sand” side is tan frosting smoothed over the cupcakes topped with graham cracker crumbs. The “water” is blue icing piped in a swirl on the top of each cupcake so that it looks like waves. I topped the whole thing off with a surfer with two dolphin friends, a palm tree held in place by candy rocks, three surfboard key chains (rings removed),a number candle and two beach ball picks.
More Surfing Birthday Cake Decorations
Cake by Margie F., Charles Town, WV

For this surfing cake, the huge wave was made out of gum tex that is let dry over a bottle. You can pick it up at your local craft store in the cake decorating section.
The birthday cake decorations: surfer, towels, feet, and shark are fondant. The tree is a pretzel rod.

I made this surfboard cake for a graduation party. Five kids from our church were all graduating from high school and going away to college at Point Loma.
We had a great beach party for them to celebrate. One of the kids was my nephew.
I had Brenton find a picture of a surfboard on the internet and I copied the colors and design on my cake.
I got the Point Loma school logo and printed it out and laminated it to add to the cake. I had to go to the hardware store and have them cut a board the size of four sheet cakes allowing four inches on all sides.
I baked four cakes and placed them end-to-end and then shaped the ends like a surfboard. I frosted it all white and then drew the design on it.
I added their names and slid it in my van to get it to the party. Everyone loved it!
The kids carried it in to the party and I added crushed graham crackers for sand and a few shells as birthday cake decorations.
We had a great party.

Cake by Kitty V., Anchorage, Alaska

This cake was for a birthday party with a Hawaiian surfer theme. It is two 11×15 layers of chocolate cake and a thin layer of buttercream frosting covered in crushed vanilla wafers (sand). I simply ran thru my food processor and pressed into the frosting.
The wave is a block of Styrofoam; I carved it out with a bread knife and frosted with several shades of blue and green buttercream frosting and used some white on the tips to give the illusion of the foam.
The birthday cake decorations: the surfboards were cut from a thin plastic tray at a party store (that match the invitations!) and the palm tree was purchased there also. I saved some of the vanilla wafer crumbs to sprinkle over any cracks that may appear with transport to the party.