Coolest Upsy Daisy Birthday Cake

Homemade Upsy Daisy Birthday Cake

I was inspired by this website and all the fantastic photos on it, to actually do this Upsy Daisy Birthday Cake. I bought 3 Tesco small cake mix packs and duly made all 3, in Pyrex dishes (as someone else had suggested on here). If anything they came out too flat, but I thought hey-ho … Read more

Coolest Makka Pakka Birthday Cake

Homemade Makka Pakka Birthday Cake

My daughter’s favourite In the Night Garden Character is Makka Pakka. Therefore for her 2nd birthday I decided to attempt to create a Makka Pakka birthday cake. First of all I drew a rough sketch of what I wanted it to look like. I decided I would need two square cakes (approx 20cm tins). From … Read more

Coolest In the Night Garden Birthday Cake Idea

Homemade In the Night Garden Birthday Cake Idea

My son is a fan of In the Night Garden, the British TV programme aimed at toddlers and pre-schoolers. His sister watches it occasionally but it was when she got the Makka Pakka plush toy that sings and talks that he really started taking an interest. So it was a bit of a no-brainer when … Read more

Coolest In The Night Garden Birthday Cake

Homemade In The Night Garden Birthday Cake

This In The Night Garden Birthday Cake was for my daughter’s 1st birthday. We were unable to find a cake we liked so decided to give it a go ourselves. We made the sponge cake with jam and cream and used green icing round the cake to make the grass. We then draw the character … Read more

Cool Homemade In the Night Garden Birthday Cake Idea

Homemade  In the Night Garden Birthday Cake Idea

I made this In the Night Garden Birthday Cake Idea for my daughter’s second birthday and she loved it!! Her last year’s one was a disaster!! It’s a chocolate cake with white chocolate butter icing. I got the recipe off the net. I iced the cake using a palette knife but it was really bumpy. … Read more

Coolest Iggle Piggle In The Night Garden Cake

Homemade Iggle Piggle In The Night Garden Cake

I was asked to create a cake in the style of Iggle Piggle or a Pinky Ponk for my friend’s grandson on his 3rd birthday. I have been attending an evening class for cake decorating techniques for the last 6 months so thought I would give it a go. Alex is partially sighted so thought … Read more

Coolest In the Night Garden First Birthday Cake

Homemade In the Night Garden First Birthday Cake

For this homemade in the night garden first birthday cake – I started off by making a square cake using a packet mix, and cut it into pieces to make a number one. I covered the cake all over in green buttercream icing, and piped some grass using a grass tip around the edges (you … Read more

Coolest In the Night Garden Cake

Homemade In the Night Garden Cake

I decided to make my son’s first birthday cake after reading other ideas on this page. I baked a basic sponge cake and cut it into a number one. I then used a package icing coloured it with green food colouring then rolled it out thin. I found this was the hardest to master… after … Read more

Cool Homemade Makka Pakka Birthday Cake

Homemade Makka Pakka Birthday Cake

I made this Makka Pakka Birthday Cake for my son’s 2nd birthday. He absolutely loved it. I made four 9″ round cakes (white velvet). One was used to carve the head (I did all of the carving by eye, no template used), two cakes were carved into the body (I also placed a wedge of … Read more

Coolest First Birthday Iggle Piggle Cake

Homemade First Birthday Iggle Piggle Cake

This First Birthday Iggle Piggle Cake was made by me for my great grandson who was one year old and loved to watch In the Night Garden. I saw a cake like this on the internet and thought it was just perfect for Tyler. Firstly I bake a chocolate flavoured slab cake in a 12″ … Read more

Coolest Iggle Piggle Birthday Cake

Homemade Iggle Piggle Birthday Cake

I made this homemade Iggle Piggle birthday cake by using a basic sponge recipe. I used 5 eggs, 315g self raising flour, caster sugar and margarine and 155g plain flour and using a 12″ by 8″ cake tin. I drew a picture of Iggle Piggle on to paper and cut out the different body shapes … Read more

Coolest Upsy Daisy Birthday Cake

Homemade Upsy Daisy Birthday Cake

My 2 year old boy loves “up day” as he calls her and I was going to make a digger cake, but at the last minute opted for Upsy Daisy. To his great delight (and mine) my homemade Upsy Daisy birthday cake was a huge success. I purchased the sponge and set to work on … Read more