1st Birthday with Elmo Cake

1st Birthday with Elmo Cake

I made this Elmo cake for my great nephew’s first birthday party! I used a Wilton cake pan then I put 1,13×9 cake underneath to make sure I could feed everyone at the party. The cakes I used were chocolate and yellow then decorated it with homemade butter cream icing using a star-tip and icing bag. .Everybody thought I … Read more

Coolest 2 Tiers 3D Elmo Cake

Coolest 2 Tiers 3D Elmo Cake

I had been requested to make this Elmo cake for 2 years old kid -Daneen. My customer requested a colorful cake for her kid based on sample from earlier cake that I made. I really enjoyed making and decorating the cake although the whole process took more than 8 hours to be done. Since cake decorating is like a … Read more

Ancient Egypt and Elmo collide for a Double Birthday Cake Bash

Ancient Egypt and Elmo collide for a Double Birthday Cake Bash

This was a double birthday cake request – 2 kids, 2 diff ages, same party. “He likes Elmo, she loves ancient Egypt.” My first thought was to make an ancient Egypt cake with Elmo dressed in Egyptian costume like King Tut sitting on top of a pyramid. Cute, but not what the mom had in … Read more

Homemade Elmo and Cookie Monster 2nd Birthday Cake

Homemade Elmo and Cookie Monster 2nd Birthday Cake

My son loved Elmo and Cookie when he was 2. I made him this Elmo and Cookie Monster 2nd birthday cake. I used a sheet pan to make the base of the cake, which I frosted white. I used Wilton’s Sports Ball Pan and made 2 half balls. To make the eyes and nose, I had … Read more

Cool Homemade Elmo Cupcake Cake

Elmo Cake

My Elmo cake is really 72 cupcakes positioned on a giant piece of cardboard in the shape of Elmo’s head. It was a lot of planning. First I made a blueprint design using circles to represent each cupcake and I shaped these circles on paper to make the shape of Elmo’s head. I started baking … Read more

Cool Homemade Elmo and Dump Truck Birthday Cake

Homemade Elmo Birthday Cake

My dad’s name is Elmo and he drives a dump truck, so I thought that this Elmo Birthday Cake would be the perfect cake for his 70th birthday. I used a Wilton teddy bear cake pan for the Elmo. The eyes and nose are made of gumpaste. I formed an open mouth with gumpaste and … Read more

Cute Homemade Elmo Confetti Birthday Cake

Homemade Elmo Birthday Cake

I wanted to create an Elmo Birthday Cake for my son for his second birthday. I had seen the Elmo cake pans, but wanted to do something different, so I made a confetti sheet cake and drew a picture of Elmo on the top of it. I think it turned out pretty good for my … Read more

Coolest 1st Birthday Elmo Cake

Homemade 1st Birthday Elmo Cake

I made this homemade 1st birthday Elmo cake for my nephew’s 1st Birthday. He seemed to like the “tickle me Elmo” I got him for Christmas so much so I thought the Elmo cake would be a great idea. This homemade 1st birthday Elmo cake only took me about an hour to make. I used … Read more

Adorable Homemade Elmo Birthday Cake Idea

Homemade Elmo Birthday Cake Idea

This Elmo Birthday Cake Idea was made from scratch. It consists of 2 sheet cakes, 2 rounds, and 3 cupcakes. The cake is a delicious carrot cake and the cupcakes were chocolate (for those allergic to the nuts). We made the cakes and froze them overnight. The next night we made a gallon of white … Read more

Coolest 2nd Birthday Elmo Cake

Homemade  2nd Birthday Elmo Cake

I made this fun 2nd Birthday Elmo Cake for my son, Owen, who turns 2 tomorrow and is a big Elmo fan. My friends and family kept me company while I decorated Elmos’s entire face and let’s be honest–most of my face was covered by the end as well! Making Owen’s cake from scratch each … Read more