Take a look at these cool homemade Pony and Horse cakes shared with us by cake decorators from around the world. Along with the birthday cakes here, you’ll also find loads DIY birthday cake-making ideas and how-to tips to inspire your next birthday cake project. Enjoy!
And don’t forget… if you end up with a cool cake, have great tips to share or pictures of awesome birthday cakes you’ve made in the past, share them here and be a part of our coolest birthday cake community.
Latest Pony and Horse Cakes
- 12 Cool Homemade Horse Cake IdeasAs with other similar horse cakes I simply cut the shape out of a 13×9 inch cake pan and used … Read more
- 11 Cool DIY Pony and Horse CakesThe idea for this cake obviously was this site for horse cakes. (Thank you to everyone who shares- you’re all … Read more
- Coolest Homemade TY Teddy and Horse Stable CakeI made this cake for my daughter who loves horses and has a huge collection of ty teddies. I started … Read more
- Awesome Homemade Horse Head CakeI had a dear friend loved appaloosa horses she had one like this. So for her birthday I surprised her. … Read more
- Awesome Pony Head CakeThe thought of making a pony head cake was a little daunting for me! When I was asked to make … Read more
- Feeling a Little HorseSo with the horse mask craze going around at the office, the inspiration was born for this cake. I asked … Read more
- Coolest 6th Birthday Pony CakeMy friend gave me a couple days notice to make her daughter a 6th birthday cake! She wanted it quite … Read more
- Coolest Horse Pull Apart CupcakeIt was my niece’s 6th birthday and my sister asked me to make something for her horse party. It was … Read more
- Coolest Horse Birthday Cake EverThis is my first horse fondant cake. I used oval pans to make the body and did a little sculpting … Read more
- Summers Day Rainbow Horsey CakeFor the last few years I’ve let my daughter pick out any theme she wants for her birthday cake and … Read more
- Gorgeous Homemade My Little Pony Cake for 5 Year OldRainbow cake inside with Italian meringue buttercream and marshmallow fondant. Pony made out of modeling chocolate which I had to … Read more
- Cool Homemade Pony CakeI made this Pony cake for my daughter’s 6th birthday party. She loves horses and so we did a cowgirl … Read more
Featured Pony & Horse Cakes
12 Cool Horse Cakes

The idea for this cake obviously was this site for horse cakes. (Thank you to everyone who shares- you’re all great!) I only made a couple small changes to personalize it. For the ears I cut out two triangles and using frosting and toothpicks attached them to give it a 3-d effect. I used long string licorice and braided the pieces together. Read more »
12 Cool DIY Horse Cake Ideas

I made this horse cake for my daughter’s birthday. She recently started competing in a local rodeo and loves her horse. I used a 1/4 yellow sheet cake and carved out the horse shape with a sculpting knife. Then, I iced the cake with butter crème icing and used a grass tip and chocolate butter crème for the horse’s mane. I used a black jelly bean for his eye and used an air brush for the horse’s coloring. Read more »

Our Horse Sissy had a baby this past year that we named Crackerjack. So my son Tim wanted a pony horse cake for his 8th birthday. I loved these horse cake ideas, so I followed the horse #2 cake pattern. For a pony, however, I shortened the snout and the mane.
The only other difference was I left the licorice as it was for a more rope look and I had another “reign” coming from under the horse. Oh yes, my son isn’t a big cake eater, so I made this ‘horse cake’ out of brownies!
My son was delighted! He couldn’t believe his mommy could make something like that, and I couldn’t believe how easy it was! Thanks coolest-birthday-cakes!
Cake by Cristina Ward, Magna, UT

For this cake, I cut a basic arch shape out of a partially frozen sheet cake. I used chocolate frosting for the face and neck. I iced the nose a bit thicker and put a little dent in the frosting for the nostril.
After icing the inside of the ear, I mixed the remaining white icing with coconut to give it a hair texture. I used a zipper bag with the corner clipped off to form the mane. The reins are made with Bubble Tape. The eye is just a plastic craft item.
Cake by Gayle L., Glen Arm, MD

For my son, Ethan’s, fourth birthday, he wanted a horse cake. So this is what I created.
I baked a cake in a two-quart Pyrex bowl, and in two 10-ounce Pyrex bowls. After leveling the large cake and one of the small cakes, I trimmed part of the small cake to fit snugly against the large cake to form the head and nose. For the neck, I used the second small cake, and trimmed it until I thought it looked like a neck.
The icing was just a milk chocolate canned frosting. For the ears, I cut a sugar cookie into two crescent shapes, and iced them with milk chocolate icing as well.
I used black frosting in a tube and more chocolate icing to make the mane and tuft of hair. After “drawing” strands of hair, I ran a toothpick through, mixing the black and chocolate icings. The eye was a black jelly bean outlined with the black frosting.
Our little cowboy was very pleased with his horse cake!

This horse cake is done using a 9×13 made with a vanilla cake mix. Cut triangle out from the neck and use for the ear. Cut slant off of nose. I iced the cake with chocolate and accented mane with khaki (white with a little brown added). The reins are braided red licorice, and the nostril is a black jelly bean. The eye is a vanilla wafer with white icing and a black jelly bean.
This horse cake is very easy and VERY popular with your cowboy or cowgirl.
Cake by Sarah R., Papamoa, New Zealand

I made this cake for my boy’s first birthday, we had made him a rocking horse for his present so the whole party was a ‘horse’ theme.
I baked two round chocolate cakes in mixing bowls, the smaller one obviously cooked a lot faster. I cut a little space out of the larger one to sit the small one into it, and used that cut out for the ears. The large round cake became the head and the small round cake the nose.
I iced over the whole thing with butter icing and when that was set did the dark chocolate icing to make it look how I wanted.
The eye of this horse cake is a piece of black licorice strap cut to shape, then a green pebble, then a blue mini m&m. These are held together with a little icing. The mouth and nose are licorice cut to shape. The “green grass” all around the horse cake is green jelly crystals mixed with coconut and a little water. This came out great, really ‘fluffy’.
Just before the party my sister brought the little plastic horses, so I sat these ‘in the grass’ around the number one candle.

The horse cake: 11 x 15 Butter Cream (2 cake mixes) I used canned frosting to save on time – Butter Cream for the background and chocolate for the horse. I placed a smooth layer on the entire cake, outlined my horse with a chocolate piping line and filled it in with the tip that looks like “hair” (or grass).
I used white frosting for the eye with a black dot of icing smoothed out with water to look glassy.
For the mane, I alternated between the chocolate and butter cream in waves.
To finalize the cake, use your theme colors (ours were red and blue) for adding a border and Birthday greeting!

Cake by Heather C., Plattsburgh, NY

My daughter wanted a horse cake and after searching for some kind of horse cake mold/pan I quickly realized that I would have to be more creative than a cake pan.
I found this website and liked the horse sheet cake. So, I used some of the suggestions and found a horse coloring sheet that I liked and photocopied the head of the horse. I blew it up until it was the size I needed and used that as my template.
I made two cakes in a 10×15 (jelly roll pan) to form a layer cake. I frosted it in light purple (my daughter’s favorite color), let the icing sit for about 30 minutes then I laid the template on the horse cake where I wanted it. I used a toothpick to press the paper into the icing, then removed the template and outlined my horse in icing tip #3.
I used Wilton tip #16 for the horse and used chocolate icing for the dark brown mane. Everyone loved the horse cake and the party was a success. I found “wanted” posters on the HP website that I printed and put a picture of everyone invited to the party. The kids LOVED this and took them home!
Cake by Christina S., Aurora, CO

This is a fairly easy cake. We just took the directions for the BirthdayExpress.com “Prancing Pony”. However I did not use the gumdrops or jelly beans.
For this easy cake recipe you can use any cake and frosting you would like, although I would not recommend using the whipped frosting. We tried to make it look similar to a My Little Pony, however once we started it came out totally different.
My daughter had a pony ride and face painting party to go with her Pony theme. It was great, and this easy cake recipe was a hit!

I was inspired by the Horse cake #02 on this website (I changed a few things). My daughter had a “Spirit, Stallion of the Cimarron ” theme party, so I changed the colors of the icing to match Spirit.
For this cake I used caramel icing for the body and chocolate icing for the mane. The shape was easier than I thought; I started with a 9×13 sheet cake. I cut out a triangle to form the jaw and neckline, and then used the piece for the horse cake ear.
I shaved a bit off the front of the cake head to give it a more rounded look. I used a plain old spatula to put on the caramel icing, then a star-shaped tip for the horse cake mane.
I bought a small tube of black to make the horse cake eyes, nostrils and mouth. Oh, and a white piece of nonpareil candy to give the horse cake eye some detail. I put frosting stars directly on the sheet about 2″ above the cake and used them to hold up the candles.
As you can see from the picture, my daughter loved her cake!

For this cake, I prepared a regular Chocolate cake and cut it in the shape of a horse using a blown up horse picture (I printed it on 2 A4 papers and pasted them together to create a horse in the size of the baking pan I was using).
I covered the cake with whipped cream + sugar powder + a little red icing color to create a pink look. I created all the horse elements from R.F.M (sugar dough) + icing colors.
For the hair and grass of the horse cake I actually used my daughter’s play dough tools to create the long “hair”. The background of the grass is Chocolate syrup.
From the leftovers of the cake I created a tree (on the left side of the horse cake) but you can’t see it in the picture.
Cake by Megan M., Fairmont, WV

This horse cake was made for my friend’s daughter. I found a picture of a horse from the net, used that horse and added flowers underneath it. I try to keep all of my cakes freehanded, no cake forms and do everything I guess you could say from scratch. This was my first attempt at a horse cake (I normally had done character cakes before this one).
Cool Horse Cake Designs
Cake by Sonya M., Tallassee, AL

This cake was made for my niece on her 5th birthday. She loves horses, especially Spirit.
The horse cake pan was one that I had purchased online. It is not a Wilton ; the pan is made in Portugal and it does not hold an entire box of cake mix. I used about 3/4 of a mix on this horse cake.
I baked and cooled the horse cake and mixed a single batch of icing. I tinted two colors for decorating, black and brown. I saved some white icing as well to ice the sides and border of the horse cake. After I iced the sides of the cake, I outlined the features in black. Then I iced the tail and mane in black. Finally, I filled in the horse cake with tip #16 brown stars.