A few years ago I was asked by family friends if I would take on the task of a wedding cake. Now, I’m not a pro, here. I work 45 hours a week at a small law office and sell skin care on the side. I’m certainly not the cake lady. Our friends were impressed with a few birthday cakes I’d done and wanted something more personal, no matter how inexperienced I was, to add to their DIY, budget friendly, Steampunk wedding. They were having cupcakes made professionally so it didn’t have to be huge and was really more for ‘looks’. After careful consideration, tons of appreciation for the flattery and a few subtle tummy rumblings, I agreed to do the steampunk wedding cake.
Steampunk Wedding Cake Prep
I watched a Youtube video once about how to make your own fondant. The Steampunk cake was my 4th fondant cake. Through some trial and error, some extra helping hands around the house and 3 days of powdered sugar floors and food coloring stained hands we managed to pull it off!
I had never used most of the things this cake required but found myself learning so much along the way. Like when to dust the cake with gold and when not to add embellishments. Molding the fondant was quite entertaining. It took me back to my childhood days of Play Doh and Silly Putty. Only this time I didn’t get in trouble for licking my fingers when I was done! Coloring the fondant probably took the longest. Remember, novice. I had no idea how to achieve the colors I was going for so I just kept adding a little black here and yellow there….and after setting up for 24 hours in the refrigerator, the colors came out pretty close to perfect!
Making the Fondant Details
My vision was a little less detailed than the actual outcome. I couldn’t help myself. I just kept adding more and more embellishments. The rivets made it look like real welded metal pieces. The ladder (which I later found out I should’ve been made out of gum paste) was a little less than sturdy but we made it work. The silver powder brushed on the gray gears made it look like real metal. The watered down brown food coloring brushed on the wood planks..genius.
My favorite part of the cake was the little robot. I must have looked at 500 photos of little Steampunk robots and this guy just magically came to life as I rolled and poked away at that fondant ball. I dare say it has inspired me to make a Steampunk Robot cake. Because I have all boys so one of them is bound to love it, right!?
Steampunk Wedding Cake Conclusions and Reactions
All in all I had a ton of fun making this cake, nerves and anxiety aside. Of course I worried it wouldn’t turn out and I’d have to stop at a cake shop on the way to the wedding. I worried I’d catch the looks of disbelief and embarrassment when people were wondering what I was thinking making a cake like that for a wedding! I was pleasantly surprised when every single comment was positive and everyone loved the way it tasted to boot! Fondant isn’t always a winner as many find it tasteless and boring to the palette. This cake, however, was a winner, inside and out!