I browsed through the cake gallery on this site and made this cake using the Wilton sports ball pans. I used six different cake mixes. Five for the body and the sixth was for cupcake legs-all made the night before.
I wanted to do icing stars to cover the cake but I didn’t have the patience. I used tip number eighteen to cover him. Very easy cake for your cake gallery.

Cake Gallery of Caterpillar Cakes
Caterpillar cake submitted to the cake gallery by:
Dixie V., Gonzales, LA

We used 2 boxes of white cake mix for the main cake large Wilton sheet pan. The icing we used was Duncan Hines Whipped icing.
For the caterpillar segments we used another box of cake mix in Wilton dome pans. To ice the segments we colored the icing w/ Wilton gel colors and used tip # 16.
For the antennae we iced 2 suckers with red icing. And we used the grass tip to put the grass along the side. We did it the night before. It was a large cake so we put it on a cookie sheet covered w/ foil and held it in the cold oven until the party the next day. An easy enough cake that could be in your cake gallery.
Caterpillar cake submitted to the cake gallery by:
Penny LeB., Ypsilanti, MI

I wanted to use the baseball cake pan but I could not find it. So I used a tin cupcake pan and rounded it out with a baseball before I poured in the batter. I took each half and cut the top flat and frosted the flat sides and wrapped them in plastic wrap.
I put these in the freezer overnight. When I took them out to decorate I used a bottle to hold each ball so I could pipe around almost the whole ball. They slid off easily with a spatula.
I had forgotten about writing my son’s name but my 4 year old daughter said we could use one of her alphabet puzzles. I just glued each letter to a toothpick and I was done. The letters and glue came off after my son had his big day. This is an easy cake for your cake gallery., Thanks for all the great ideas!
Caterpillar cake submitted to the cake gallery by:
Jill P., Winston Salem, NC

I bought the Wilton Sports Ball to make each of the sections of the caterpillar. I used Strawberry Chocolate and Vanilla cake batters – 1 box makes 2 sections.
I made standard buttercream icing (2 batches were enough to cover all 5 sections) and used bright food coloring to color the icing. I piped the icing on each section by using a small tip and making small dallops around the entire cake.
I did each section on a flat plate and then transferred each one by one onto the plastic cardboard sheet. I used m&m’s for the eyes, mouth, and legs. The lettering and antennae was done by tracing letters onto thin foam pieces (purchased at Michael’s Crafts) and then cut out. I super-glued a toothpick to each letter and placed on the cakes.
Caterpillar cake submitted to the cake gallery by:
Misty B., Bend, OR

For my daughters first birthday we decided to do a garden theme. A caterpillar cake seemed to be the perfect thing but I wanted it to look like a girl. I think we succeeded.
I used a small Pyrex bowl to bake the individual cakes (or sections) in. One tip I got from my Mother-in-law was to line the bowl with parchment paper before backing, they pop right out— it’s great! I frosted the cakes and used a Wilton #18 decorating tip which worked great to give it a bit of a fuzzy look (and it was easy to do).
I used fake eye lashes for the eyes, a lavender peep candy for the nose, and cut a red gummy candy to shape the lips. Pink pipe cleaners were used as antennas with gumdrops on the ends.

I formed the Butterfly from sour gummy candies I got at a local candy shop (I believe part of them were sour grapefruit slice candy). I held them together with toothpicks and used frosting for the body and licorice strings for the antennas. The bow was also formed from gummy candy held together with toothpicks.
The cake was placed on a board covered with green wrapping paper. I made a “keep off the grass” sign but instead of “Keep off the grass” it said “Happy Birthday Emily”.
I had it laminated and I glued it to a stick that I then glued to the paper (I had to make a bit of a tripod to hold it up). I then frosted the bottom to look like grass was growing on it.

We were very pleased with how it turned out and my one-year-old just couldn’t wait to get her hands on it. I’m happy to add our cake to this wonderful cake gallery!
Caterpillar cake submitted to the cake gallery by:
Solange M., Rochelle, IL

I made this caterpillar cake for my daughter’s first birthday. We were having a large party and I needed a lot of cake. This caterpillar was made with three cake mixes.
I used a Wilton pan, it has 6 half circles and was designed for the clown or ball cakes. I frosted each section with different pastel colored icing and sprinkled them with colored sugar. The legs are candy fruit slices cut in half. I used pipe cleaners for the antennas and mouth. The eyes are small craft beads.
This cake was very easy and took no time at all! I’m happy to add it to this cake gallery.
Caterpillar cake submitted to the cake gallery by:
Kathy P., Clermont, FL

I got this idea from the coolest birthday cakes cake gallery. I saw the caterpillar cake and fell in love with it. I made this for my daughters first birthday. She got a cake all to herself and enjoyed every last bite.
The most important bit of information I can pass on is: know for sure the placement of the body before you start frosting. Also prepare ahead of time designs and color placement. I chose colors and designs as I went along and might have arranged it differently if I had planned ahead.
Caterpillar cake submitted to the cake gallery by:
Sarah G., Colorado Springs, CO

We did a girly bug party for my daughter’s 2nd birthday party. She was always talking about caterpillars so I made this cake. I used the Wilton mini egg pan. I made a homemade basic butter cake recipe. When the egg cakes were done I lined them up on a cake board, and pushed them pretty snuggly together without messing up their shape.
Then I tinted some butter cream icing green and covered the caterpillar in #16 tip stars. His eyes are M&m’s and so is his nose. His antennae are sour straws clipped to size with a dot of green icing at the tips. His feet are gumdrops cut in half. It was really fun to make and my daughter loved it. It also made serving easy as each child got their own body segment. I’m happy to add this cake to this caterpillar cake gallery!

Caterpillar cake submitted to the cake gallery by:
Kim B., Hilliard Ohio

Caterpillar cake submitted to the cake gallery by:
Karyn A., Medford, OR

This cake was made for my daughter’s first birthday party. I made a total of 6 cakes using the small glass Pyrex bowl. I colored the icing using Wilton icing color. After decorating the cake, I decorated the board with flowers and butterflies to go with our “theme”. I used sugar cookies to put on the top with her name iced on it.
Caterpillar cake submitted to the cake gallery by:
Megan M., Fairmont, WV

Obviously this isn’t an original cake idea. My friend and I were looking all over this cake gallery and this site at cake ideas for her son’s 1st birthday and she LOVED the caterpillar cakes. So she asked me if I could do this one. She wanted it to be the colors of the rainbow and a few other requests.
The cakes are alternating so it goes yellow, chocolate, yellow, etc. The first 3 parts, the red, orange and yellow are actually whip cream icing (which was the Wilton powder mix…and was goooood) and the last 3 are buttercream. I used the Wilton sports ball pan for the larger caterpillar.
The smaller caterpillar, which was for the baby since it was his first birthday was made with the small dome shaped pan by Wilton. The smaller cake was done the same way as the larger one.
I’m glad others had done this cake and gave us the idea for doing it because everyone loved it. Even the baby…he had it all over him!!!
Caterpillar cake submitted to the cake gallery by:
Jodie K., Pemberton, NJ

This was a cake that I made for my little sisters 4th birthday. She loved the colors and thought it was really cool! I got the idea for this cake from the cake gallery on this website and just modified it a bit.
I made 6 segments of the caterpillar using the Wilton sports ball pan. I really wanted it to be bright and pretty so I decided to use fondant but I think fondant really ruins the taste of the cake so I made marshmallow fondant (very easy, and very tasty!).
I made three batches of mm fondant dyeing them pink, yellow and purple. I frosted the cakes and covered them each in mm fondant and began decorating! This fondant is very smooth— it stays soft and very easy to work with! I used Wilton fondant cutters to make hearts for the pink cakes, circles for the purple cakes and flowers for the yellow cakes. I also used a fondant cutter to put a little girl on the second purple cake.
I decorated the outfit and rolled long strands of yellow fondant to make her hair. I put the cakes on two cake boards pushed together and wrapped in green saran wrap. I used Easter grass to put around the cake and put plastic butterflies in the grass. I used pink and purple pipe cleaners twisted together as antenna. This cake was a huge hit!

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