These cakes were for a 3-year old boy who is a huge fan of John Deere Tractors. I baked individual rectangular shaped cakes and cut them down to the shape of a tractor (rounded the front corners, lowered the back, and trimmed the back sides for the large wheels). I used Chocolate-covered Oreos for the back tires and mini Oreos for the front tires. Then, I frosted with green frosting (Wilton recipe with half butter half shortening) and yellow frosting piped for the lines and logo (did freehand and is much easier than it looks!!!) and yellow in the wheels.
I kneaded cocoa with a bit of marzipan (bought at the grocery story) to get brown and molded a seat and steering wheel stuck the wheel into the cake with a toothpick (you have to make sure that the kids pull the steering wheel out before eating). The birthday boy could not wait to eat them – be forewarned that these cakes are too cute and yummy-looking to let them sit for long!
Just be creative.
Cool 3D Tractor Cakes
Farming Tractor Cakes by Ericka S., Concord, NC

I made this cake out of two loaf pans, including the trailer behind and frosted it with the right colors.
Amazing John Deere Tractor Cake
Farming Tractor by Dee G., Columbia, MO

A friend asked me to do a John Deere Tractor cake for a groom’s cake to go with the wedding cake. It was made with the right cake pan.
I used colored chocolates to form the main body and wheels of this cake and then filled in with butter cream icing. It was placed next to a John Deere mailbox for the gift cards and seemed to be the hit.
Easy Birthday Cake
Farming Tractor by Joy S., Locust Grove, GA

I made this cake for a friend’s son. I used two 9×13 cakes and put them together. Then, I iced with green and brown dyed icing to look like the field and garden. I used green icing to make the plants in the garden and used pieces of his favorite farm toys for the toppers.
Awesome Homemade Cake
Farming Tractor by Karen A., Lexington, KY

The little boy that I baby-sit wanted a John Deere tractor cake, but I was having trouble finding a picture of one and I didn’t want to buy the expensive tractor cake pan for a one time cake. So, I came up with this cake.
I used 3 small loaf pans. I cut two to shape the tractor and used the third for the wagon. The wheels are made of cake donuts (2 large and 6 small). This cake was very easy to make- the longest part was making the treads on the wheels (I believe I used a #3 tip).
The hay bails on the wagon were a big pain- they are pieces of cake cut into bails. Then I toasted coconut, but didn’t get the feel of hay so I added some yellow food coloring. Then roll the cake in the coconut (the hard part was getting it to stick) and there you have it.
The road is graham crackers and the fields are coconut with green food coloring. Icing on the cake is chocolate on the wagon and I used icing paste on the rest of the cake (kelly green and black).
Coolest Homemade Birthday Cake
Farming Tractor by Kandie B., Many, LA

I made this John Deere cake for my nephew. It was so much fun., It’s a regular sheet cake with butter cream icing. I purchased the tractor and barn, and the possibilities were endless. On a yellow base I made a muddy road (brown tinted icing with black dye on a toothpick to make strokes), a pond (which is blue gel with clear sprinkles for the water), grass around pond (grass/hair tip), and a garden, which looked like it was recently plowed (basket weaving tip).
As you can tell it was growing corn, cucumbers, lettuce, watermelons. Explore with different types of tips to see what you can create. I just put a dot tip border. Like I said there were endless possibilities with this cake. Have fun with cakes you make and it will be a success every time.
Cool Red Tractor Cake
Farming Tractor by Laura K., Amsterdam, NY

I made this cake for my brother-in-law. He is a farmer and I wanted to make something appropriate. I was having a hard time coming up with an idea. And, I had to make it the night before. I was getting a pan out of the cupboard for dinner, and a loaf pan and a 6-inch round pan fell out. I looked at them and decided I could use them to build a tractor!
This particular one is an applesauce cake. I used 1 cake made in a loaf pan for the main body and another loaf cake cut in half and set bottom to bottom behind the first one to form the part of the tractor where you sit. Both of these cakes were set on a piece of Styrofoam 1 inch high and the width of my loaf pan, wrapped in green tissue paper.
Each of the front wheels is a cupcake frosted black. And the back wheels are 6-nch round cakes frosted black and set on their sides. I secured them using dowels. The steering column and the smokestack are pieces of a large bendable straw that I coated in black frosting. The steering wheel is an Oreo cookie. The stick shift is a thin bendable straw. He really loved it!

Coolest Wilton Tractor Cake
Farming Tractor by Rena C., Meriden, KS

I made this cake using the Wilton tractor cake pan. Instead of just following their directions, I customized the cake by adding “Oliver” and 770 to the tractor so it would look like an Oliver 770 tractor.
Amazing Wilton Tractor Pan Cake
Farming Tractor by Janie R., Mansfield, TX

I am submitting this photo on behalf of my mother, Janie Runyan. She didn’t think her cakes are good enough to win the contest but the rest of us begged to differ.
She used a Wilton cake pan. After she made the cake she poured colored chocolate in the mold to make the body of the tractor. She then made a second cake for the trailer and topped part of it with toasted coconut to give the appearance of hay on the trailer.
In conclusion, this was a great theme child birthday cake for a party at a local petting farm.

Cool Cake Using the Wilton Cake Pan
Farming Tractor by Rebecca N., Wake Village, TX

I prepared this cake using the Wilton tractor cake pan. My second born son was really into tractors, so I made this one for his 4th birthday. He loved it.
Firstly, I prepared it according to the directions that came with the pan. Then my husband helped fill in some of the stars in the main body of the tractor. My hand was pretty sore after I finished, but it was worth it!
Massive Homemade Tractor Cake
Farming Tractor by LuJuana T., Howe, OK

Incredible Tractor Themed Cake
Farming Tractor by Sonya M., Tallassee, AL

This was one of the most fun cakes I have ever made. I wasn’t quite sure how it would look, but the finished product looked great.
To bake the cake, I used the Wilton tractor pan for the tractor and iced it in butter cream icing. I used star tips for the fill in. For the cakes, I used two vanilla cake mixes. I also baked a 9×13 sheet and used it for the field and piped in the rows and vegetables.
It was great to be able to make this cake for my grandfather who turned 81 and who had been a farmer all of his life. Tractor cakes are so much fun!