Coolest Halloween Graveyard Cake

Homemade Halloween Graveyard Cake

I baked this Homemade Halloween Graveyard Cake with a Graveyard theme for a Halloween Party. For the icing, I used homemade buttercream icing tinted dark blue for the sky part, then dark green (achieved by adding some black and green Wilton icing color for the actual grass part). I used my homemade marshmallow fondant and … Read more

Coolest Homemade Graveyard Cake Ideas and Photos 5

I wanted a cake that said Easter without a bunny so my daughter and I chose the empty tomb. It was surprisingly easy. I baked two cakes one in a 9×13 pan and one in a stoneware mixing bowl. I iced the bowl cake on top of the square one and carved out the opening … Read more

Coolest Cemetery Worker Birthday Cake

Homemade Cemetery Worker Birthday Cake

This Cemetery Worker Birthday Cake I made for a co-worker’s birthday at the cemetery that I was working at. I used the butter cream icing recipe from the Wilton website. I also used the butter cake recipe from their website. I made all of the decorations on the cake out of fondant. The only thing … Read more

Coolest Homemade Graveyard Cake Ideas and Photos 6

I made this graveyard cake from a box mix then used a marshmallow fondant for the blue background. I used home made buttercream & food colorings for the tree, grave, moon, pumpkin and grass. I used ghost “peeps” for the ghosts around the edges.

Cool Homemade Graveyard Cake

Homemade Graveyard Cake

I made this graveyard cake for my nephew’s birthday which is in October. He was having a party with some friends and wanted a “cool & scary ” cake. I baked a chocolate cake and frosted it with homemade chocolate whipped icing. I then topped it off with a haunted house that I put together(from … Read more

Coolest Homemade Graveyard Cake Ideas and Photos 7

This graveyard cake is a 1/4 sheet cake for a friends Halloween birthday. I frosted it with store bought icing because it is creamier and easy to work with. I spooned a small amount out for each grave to make it look like a fresh grave and then covered that with crushed chocolate cookies. For … Read more

Coolest Birthday Casket Cake

Homemade  Birthday Casket Cake

This Birthday Casket Cake I made for my uncle who was turning 45. Previously I had done an over the hill themed cake, so I wanted to do a one foot in the grave cake. That idea did not work out so well when I tried to find a way to get Ken to stand … Read more

Cool Homemade Halloween Graveyard Scene Cake

Homemade Halloween Graveyard Cake

This Halloween Graveyard Cake is a chocolate cake with ganache frosting. The Frankenstein is made from marshmallows. The spider’s legs are pretzels and his body is a cake ball with chocolate sprinkles to resemble fur. The tombstones, cats, pumpkins, ghosts are all sugar cookie dough. The mummy is a mini cupcake. The moon and bats … Read more

Coolest Homemade Graveyard Cake Ideas and Photos 8

For this Graveyard cake I used 2 box mixes and store-bought frosting. It worked fine. I did follow the directions for decorating. You have to bake the cakes in a 13-by-9-by-2-inch pan, an 8-inch ovenproof bowl and a 6-inch loaf pan. Decorating the Graveyard cake: I used orange frosting, green gumdrops, chocolate graham crackers, chocolate … Read more

Coolest Cars Graveyard Cake

Homemade Cars Graveyard Cake

This Cars graveyard cake was a birthday cake for a 9 year old boy. He loves Cars and his birthday was on Halloween. So I combined them. The “grave yard” was made from brownie mix that was hallowed out. The Cars characters were pre-purchased and wrapped in paper tape and everything else was edible…colored coconut … Read more

Coolest Haunted Graveyard Cake

Homemade Haunted Graveyard Cake

This homemade haunted graveyard cake was made out of two devils food chocolate cakes and I made a chocolate fudge frosting with coconut mixed in. I put a thin layer between the cake then coated the cake with it. To create the dirt on top I used toasted coconut, crushed almonds, and crushed thin mint … Read more