Coolest Les Paul Cake

This Les Paul Cake is not really a birthday cake – just got bored and decided to make a cake that rocked!

Took a little under 4 hours to make as it was only my second attempt at ever making a cake! My girlfriend usually makes them as a hobby and I sit and watch, but decided to make my own this time – and was pretty impressed with my effort! Just don’t wanna eat it now!

One thing I couldn’t quite work out though is how I can put some strings on it? Obviously want them to be edible, but want them to look authentic too. Thought about using strawberry laces, but they’re obviously red. Any way I can turn them yellow/gold?

6 thoughts on “Coolest Les Paul Cake”

  1. It looks great!! My son turned 20 today and I’m making him some kind of guitar cake, saw the LES PAUL CAKE and knew I had to see because he’s always talking about Les Paul.

  2. Can you email me the instructions on how you made the cake did you use a pan or did you carve it out?
    Thanks so much my sons birthday is Dec 30th and will be 12 and he LOVES Les Paul guitars and I would love to surprise him with this cake, well my sister will have to make it she is the cake lady in the family I just find them..LOL any help would be appreciated.

  3. Hi Donna,
    To create the cake I carved out the shape of the body, neck & head using a large template I printed over a few sheets of card. Simply got a good picture of a Les Paul, brought it into Microsoft Word, and stretched the image over a couple of sheets. Then cut around the outline and used as a template for carving the cake. I then cut out each individual component of the guitar (pick guard, pickups, etc?) and used those as templates too for cutting icing which was the same shape for each individual component. Then finally to create the frets on the neck, I simply piped those on with white icing. Was pretty straight forward really – had to be as I am a complete amateur and this was my 1st attempt at cake making!! :D


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