Sweetest Spiderman Cake

This Spiderman cake is what you consider a half a sheet cake. It is a half and half ( half chocolate half vanilla cake ). I made icing from butter, milk, 10 x sugar, and vanilla and I colored it light blue, used this as the base icing to cover the cake completely. I printed out a picture of Spiderman and then I looked off of the picture and drew Spiderman on the cake  with black icing made from chocolate icing and adding black food coloring.

I then made  red icing and blue icing (white icing adding red and blue food coloring) to color in Spiderman and the little boy’s name (Samuel) – after coloring Spiderman in with the blue and red I added the webs to his boots, gloves, face and body with the black icing. I then drew two spiders on each side of  Spiderman as I felt it “fit” and drew a line with black to each spider from the little boy’s name.

I was pleased with how the cake turned out!

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