Here are my tips on cake decorating. This cake for was made especially for a summer birthday. The cake was a 12×18 sheet cake which I cut out in the shape of the flip flop sandal. It was white cake with strawberry icing with a layer of strawberry icing in the center of the cake. I used grape licorice for the straps and drew the large flowers on the cake.
This was a big hit for the party. I gave out tips on cake decorating to all to make their own flip flop sandals.
More Shoe-Shaped Cakes
Tips on cake decorating by Gina F., Waterford, MI

My mom loves beaches and anything to do with water or the sand. I drew free-handed the sandals and used piping gel on wax paper and inverted the pattern. Just added a few flowers because peach is her favorite color. I just used simple butter cream frosting on a 2 layer cake.
Thanks to this site for sharing all the tips on cake decorating.
Tips on cake decorating by Dana H., Allen, TX

My best friend’s daughter wanted a cake made in the shape of a high top converse tennis shoe in lime green and orange. After reviewing many tips on cake decorating, I used two 9″ round cakes for the high top and a 13″x9″ cake for the base. I cut the round cakes at an angle to form the slop of the shoe and placed them on top of the 13×9 cake.
I iced the entire cake using a small ‘star’ tip. The entire process (including baking time) took about seven hours. It was very tedious but she loved it and says it is the coolest cake she has ever seen!

Tips on cake decorating by Nanette D., Burlington, VT

I made two 9x13x2 sculpted rectangular dish cakes with Funfetti cake mix. Then cooled and frosted with M&M vanilla frosting colored with neon food coloring to make purple/pink.
I cut into flip-flop shape, used M&M’s for “5”, and then used Fruit roll up for the flip-flop thong part. This cake is very easy to make, it’s not as hard as it looks (you don’t need a lot of tips on cake decorating to create it). Enjoy and have fun!
Tips on cake decorating by Bridget J., Mesquite, NV

My daughter was turning 7 yrs old. She begged for a slumber party. So, I decided on Slippers for the cake. She chose a Red Velvet cake which was perfect.
I split the batter between two loaf pans. When the cakes were completely cooled, I rounded the edges with a knife. With the white frosting I frosted the bottom layer. Then I carefully placed one end of the second layer on top of the first, and frosted it.
Then with Decorating Frosting I made rippling lines to make the slippers look fuzzy. I piped a line around the bottom edge of the slippers and a ‘7’ at the ‘heel’. These were my tips on cake decorating; I hope they were helpful.
It was so much easier than what I had anticipated. And the kids thought it was so cute.
Tips on cake decorating by Allie M., Texarkana, AR

My friend, Jessie, and I wanted to make a cake for fun over the summer break. We came up with this idea and used food coloring to make the cake foot-colored. We used Airheads and cut them up for toenails. We used Airheads and Twizzler twists for the flip-flops.
Tips on cake decorating by Jennifer V., Sterling Heights, MI

I conjured up the idea for this Adidas shoe cake when
I saw this exact pair my friend was wearing.
Oddly enough, it was her birthday, and she loves sporty shoes. This cake took two layers of a 13 X 9 cake, and a 9 X 9 square pan.
I carved the shoe shape free hand using a regular serrated knife, and then iced every piece of the cake. The laces are piped with a tip to give a look of textured laces.
I hope my tips on cake decorating helped.

Tips on cake decorating by Carrie A., Dothan, AL

My friend’s daughter loves flip flops, so I thought it would be fun to make a cake with flip-flops on it. I actually used my 3 year olds flip-flop to trace a template of the flip-flop on wax paper. Then I transferred the flip-flop pattern onto the cake and created the flip-flop using my imagination.
Very easy to make! I’ve made several of these! Teenagers love this cake!
Tips on cake decorating by Allison H., East Amherst, NY

I made this cake for a friend for his birthday because he wore sneakers that looked like these.
Here are my tips on cake decorating: first, I drew a left shoe pattern on a sheet of paper. I cut it out and used it to cut out the base of the left shoe. Then I flipped the pattern over and used it to make the base of the right shoe.
I then cut the pattern in half and used the heel to create the second layer of the left shoe, flipping the heel pattern for the right side. I then filled the two layers and stacked them. I rounded off the sides with a knife and used scraps to make the front of the shoe (where the laces are) slope down to the toe.
I gave the shoes a base layer of frosting. After that, I decorated them using a star tip. I hope you find my tips on cake decorating useful!

Tips on cake decorating by Patricia S., Cedar

This is a cake I made for my daughter’s 19th birthday. She adores flip-flops and wears them almost year round, even when there is snow on the ground! So I thought it fitting that I make her a cake in the shape of a flip-flop sandal.
It was pretty easy, I used a standard 9×13 cake pan and a 6″ round pan. I made a pattern out of paper in the shape of a flip-flop and then cut the pattern from the cake. I used the 9×13 for the most of the sandal and 1/2 of the 6″ circle for the heel of the cake.
I frosted it using butter cream frosting in bright colors. The band of the flip-flop is made from ribbon that I covered in frosting using a round piping tip. The flower is just frosting that I piped on over the ribbon using a leaf tip.
This cake was not only appropriate for my daughter but also a perfect cake for an end of summer birthday. I hope my tips on cake decorating have helped you!
Tips on cake decorating by Ivy P., Hammond, IN

Tips on cake decorating by Evelyn F., Donaldson, PA

For this flip-flop cake I used two 9X13 cakes, one white cake and one chocolate. I used a pair of my flip-flops as a template and cut the cakes. I iced them in white and airbrushed the purple. I could have just iced them with purple butter cream. I used fruit rollups for the straps and put a rose where the straps came together.
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