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Coolest Superbowl Cake

This Superbowl Cake was my second attempt at making a football themed cake. My husband was so impressed with his Eagles football cake, that he asked me to make one for the Superbowl last year.

This is a standard sheet cake pan of vanilla cake with a Wilton’s First and Ten football cake pan of chocolate on top. I used a grass tip to do the field and did the logos sort-of free handed. I used a star tip to fill in the team names, logo and football and I did a small shell border across the top portion of the sheet cake.

As you can tell, I messed up on the yard line numbering and was too scared to try and fix it, but my husband thought it was endearing! He’s so sweet!

Here’s how I did the logo and team names: I printed out pictures from the internet, cropped them to the right size and made them black and white. Then I used gels to outline all the pictures and flipped them over onto the cake. At this point in time it became mostly freehand, as my gels ran due to me being heavy handed….oooops! Ta-da.

I really enjoyed making this cake. We had 1/2 of it for about 2 weeks and I sent the other 1/2 to work with my husband. I guess you can tell a lot of people canceled on us for our Superbowl party. Oh well, their loss, my 10LB gain! TeeHee!!

I can’t wait to see what I come up with next time!

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