I used the Wilton cruiser pan and cut the top to make it a convertible. Next I covered the cake with buttercream and then fondant. I used a book wrapped in foil to lift the cake up then attached fondant wheels. I used buttercream to decorate the Wiggles logo.
I made the Wiggles and the rest of the car parts out of fondant. Two of the Wiggles had fondant hair and the other two had buttercream hair. I did learn that you should attach the heads before decorating them. I decorated first and had no time to redo before the party. My son really enjoyed his cake. Thanks to this site which has so many birthday cake ideas for children!
More Wiggles Car Birthday Cake Ideas for Children
Cake by Tara C., Sydney, Australia

My son loves The Wiggles. We were having a Wiggles themed party for his third birthday so the obvious choice was the Big Red Car for the cake. I was a little overwhelmed! I Googled big red car cakes and found this awesome site which has so many birthday cake ideas for children.
I used the Wilton 3D Criser pan and decorated it with butter cream and Ready to Roll icing. It was only through inspiration from the other cakes on this site that made it possible for me to make this that is why I wanted to submit mine. I think it was worth the four hours to create it. My son and all his party guests loved it.

Thanks to this site which has so many birthday cake ideas for children, I found a Wiggles cake. My son loves The Wiggles. This is a three layer chocolate cake. I made the big red car out of a chocolate cake baked in a loaf pan. I craved the cake by hand and decorated it. The Wiggles were made out of fondant.
Cake by Liza M, Canberra, Australia

I used a Wilton 3d Cruiser cake pan to create the big red car and then cut out two sections to create the seats. As we were expecting quite a few people for the party I put the car cake on another larger rectangular one to make sure there would be enough cake for everyone. My birthday cake ideas for children I found on this website.
Icing the car was very fiddly and time consuming. I started by icing the windscreen seats, tires and the yellow at the back of the car. I then iced the Wiggles logo at the front and wrote “The Wiggles” with frosting. Next I iced the bottom cake in yellow before completing the red of the car last of all. It turned out better than I expected and most importantly of all my sons’ loved it!
Cake by Casey H., Gladstone, MO

I made this cake for my nephew’s 2nd birthday. I had no need for birthday cake ideas for children because he is the biggest Wiggles fan. So what could be better than to make a Wiggles cake, and he absolutely loved this cake.
I used the Wilton 3-D Cruiser Car cake pan to make the car itself. I ordered a sheet cake from the grocery store with the Wiggle colors around the border. The cake batter required one and a half boxes of cake mix so I used the other half for 12 cupcakes. I made a basic butter cream icing for the car and purchased plastic Wiggle figurines from the toy store.
Cake by Tara B., Fall River, Ma

I actually got birthday cake ideas for children off of this website. This is the first one I’ve made on my own. It was for my sons second birthday and he loves the wiggles! I actually made the cake out of pound cake and the bottom is just devils food cake. I took the wiggles and music lyrics out of a wiggles book that we had. I think it worked well!
Cake by Rebecca B., Sault Ste Marie, Canada

My birthday cake ideas for children were “The Wiggles Big Red Car”. For this cake I used a sports car cake pan and frosted it to look like “The Wiggles Big Red Car”. I used paste instead of food coloring to get the deep colors. For the characters I used the ones off of my son’s toy and set them on top of the car.

Birthday cake ideas for children by Abbie L., Bowling Green, KY

I think most all moms at one point or another have run across the Wiggles. My son’s best friend was turning two and I was asked to make his cake because I always have birthday cake ideas for children. When I found out it was a “Wiggly Party” theme I couldn’t wait to get started!
I checked out this web site (coolest-birthday-cakes.com) to get some ideas and ran from there. I have to admit I am not a regular fondant fan however I am a big advocate of Marshmallow fondant, much quicker and easier to work with. Instructions for the marshmallow can be found here, that’s what I used for all the extras including the wiggle bodies.
The Heads and the signage were all done on photo paper. The cake turned out to be such a success the Birthday boy ran up and grabbed the characters out of the car wanting to play with them rather than eat the cake.
Cake by June P., Pine Bluff, AR

This is my first attempt making a character birthday cake from scratch for my son, who turned 2 years old on June 27th. These birthday cake ideas for children were rather challenging for me, it took me 5 hours solid, including making and icing the cupcakes!!!
Alexander is a huge fan of the Wiggles so I decided to make The Wiggles birthday cake for him. I bought the Wiggles candle for decoration purposes, but my hubby decided to light up the candle anyways, it was funny because Zander turned 2 years old and not 3 years old! I used lots of red colorings to get the Wiggles Big Red Car to look right. The rest of the accessories came from the Wiggles cake decoration kit, which I bought. One picture showed the cake with the lighted candles. The other pictures were the front and the back view of the Wiggles Big Red car.
Cake by Sunshyne S., Cookeville, TN

My son LOVES the Wiggles. For his 2nd Birthday, I decided to make him a Wiggles Cake. This was the second cake that I had ever attempted (other than your standard round cake with store icing). I got the idea from scanning birthday cake ideas for children from this website and one person that had their idea posted was also kind enough to email her techniques. I combined her ideas, other ideas from this site, as well as some of my own ideas.
For the car, I used the 3D cruiser as many people. I cut a section out of the top to make the convertible. I followed the directions in the pan as to how many mixes to use (if I did this over again, I probably would use a pound cake for the car because the regular mix was a little harder to deal with in this pan).
The sheet cake was done using a Wilton large sheet cake pan. I used 3 cake batters for it. I made the icing using the Wilton recipe for buttercream icing (I use the one with only Crisco because I like the whiteness it has, not as big of a deal with this cake, but if you use a lot of white icing, it makes a difference in the appearance of the cake).
If memory serves me correct I tripled the recipe in order to create this birthday cake. I used Wilton’s colors to make the colors. I purchased the Wiggles Characters on eBay, but I have seen them in places like Target. I used a small tip (#3) for both cakes.
The road was just black icing thinned a bit with corn syrup and spread with a spatula. The cake turned out looking like some of the cakes I had seen online, but I have to admit I was pretty proud of it. My son was AMAZED! He couldn’t stop talking about the Wiggles the rest of the day.
Hope this helps a Mom out there that has a Wiggles fanatic like my son. Thanks again to this site for all of the birthday cake ideas for children!

I was inspired by all the other birthday cake ideas for children of the Wiggles Car on this site. I used cutouts of the Wiggles in the Big Red Car for the Wiggles. The second cake, I cut out in the shape of the Wiggles Logo and used star tips to write “The Wiggles”. Thanks for this site and the ability to share ideas, the birthday boy got just what he wanted, the Wiggles in the Big Red Car!

Cake by Tonya W., Texarkana, TX

My daughter loves The Wiggles. I decided to try to be creative. This is my first attempt at a cake like this.
I bought the 3D car pan from our local Hobby Lobby. It took 1-and-a-half boxes of cake mix. I started icing from the middle of the car out. The Wiggles in yellow on the front and then I iced the red around it.
The tires were a tricky part. The icing kept running off. I got the idea from this website. So I thought I would give something back. Thanks for all the tips here. Enjoy your cakes.
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