Here’s a really cool cake idea, I made it for my sister’s 60th birthday party. She lives near Sheffield, England and loves to shop at the Meadowhall shopping complex. Obviously her favorite colour is green! It is a chocolate/orange Madeira 8” sponge.
I split the cake after it cooled then I froze it as I always find the frozen cake much easier to handle and it stays fresher too! Once out of the freezer work quickly until covered with icing. It has chocolate/orange butter icing inside and also a thin spread of orange jam. The whole of the cake is then covered with very thin layer of butter icing, helps the fondant to stick and also gives a smoother finish. Cover the whole of it with fondant and apply the ribbon.
Each of the ‘carrier bags’ and shopping items have been molded separately and require a certain amount of patience but actually are very easy to do. I usually do all the ‘bits’ in advance and allow them to harden. Every thing is stuck on with edible glue (available in all shops as is the disco sparkle!) The board is also covered in advance, plan your design, then squash it on then smooth with a rolling pin. Stick ribbon around the edge to finish it off.
Another Bonnet Cake Idea
Created by Tiffany B, La Place, LA

My grandmother had a cake idea for one of the ladies in her group. It was her birthday so instead of a red hat, they wear a purple hat so I made a purple hat cake for her. Its buttercream icing if like to use almond extract instead of vanilla I think it makes it better. And the cake is classic white with almond extract as well.

My mom and aunt were throwing my grandma a party for her 80th birthday with the Red Hat Society as the theme so I came up with the idea of a red hat.
I created the cake using 1 10″ and 1 8″ with the 10″ on the bottom and putting the 8″ cake on top all held together with icing between the layers. I trimmed the 8″ to use the extra pieces to make the top of the hat round. I trimmed the 10″ round cake to make the edges slanted to look more like a hat.
I dyed store bought icing to make it red and then covered the hat with red sprinkles. I also used store bought purple icing to pipe along the edges and to make the bow. My grandma was surprised by the theme and loved the cake to match the Red Hat decorations!
Cake by Sabrina C., Sanford, FL

This cake was made with a 10 in. round on bottom and then I used the medium sized metal nesting bowl (in my set) and filled it about a 1/3 of the way w/batter. Using the half ball pan would have worked out a whole lot better. I torted both cakes and filled them. I then covered it in buttercream frosting first and then marshmallow fondant, which is a whole lot better tasting than store bought fondant!
The feathers are fake but the bow and flowers were all made from fondant and set out to dry a few days before I made the cake. The flowers were made w/my large flower cutter from Wilton (basically a cookie cutter), the centers from the largest round tip, the polka-dots on top of the hat are cut from the cap to cover your tips (it was the closest thing to me!).
Cake by Michelle K., Ambler, PA

The rim was made of gumpaste and the center was the cake. The basket weaving was very intense, I chose to do it in 3 different colors. I believe the end result was worth it.
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