Coolest Octopus Birthday Cake Recipe Ideas

Coolest Birthday Cake Recipe Ideas

I couldn’t find a round sports pan to use for the head so I bought a 5″ half-sphere pan and baked one half of the head then did that another time for the other half and glued them together with frosting. It didn’t come our perfectly round but worked out alright., I just used an … Read more

Coolest Red Velvet Octopus Birthday Cake

My best friend asked me to make a “simple” birthday cake for her little girl’s birthday. So I decided to get my sister involved and whip up a Red Velvet Octopus cake with the works. My favorite part about making the cake would have to be the detail. Like the tentacles with their little suction cups or … Read more

Cutest Purple Octopus Birthday Cake

Cutest Purple Octopus Birthday Cake

I made this purple Octopus birthday cake fir my husband’s baby sister’s first birthday. It was a rainbow cake. Unfortunately the pic isn’t the best but you can kinda see. It was such fun to make the cake batter. First I made my cake by separating the batter into 6 bowls and made colored batter, pink, purple, yellow, blue and a darker purple. Then I … Read more

Coolest Octopus and Pirate Birthday Cake

Coolest Octopus and Pirate Birthday Cake

I make this Octopus and Pirate birthday cake for my son’s 1st birthday. The original idea I got from the internet. I forgot the artist’s name, and I make the 3D base on the picture with some little changes so it can work with gum paste and fondant, and its my first octopus cake. I was try to … Read more

Coolest Octopus Cake

Octopus Cake

Got the pan from Williams and Sonoma, which was perfect for this octopus cake. Covered it with purple fondant and the sand was vanilla wafers. The fish were fondant too. Used the icing gels to color the water and everything else, love that the gels make everyone’s mouth turn blue! This is one of my … Read more

Coolest Octupus Birthday Cake

Homemade Octupus Birthday Cake

I made Octupus Birthday Cake for my son’s 6th birthday. He helped with the decorating, so it’s really over the top! The base is 2 x 12 in rounds; the middle is 2 x 10 in rounds made with the butter cake recipe found on the Wilton’s site. I filled it with pastry cream and … Read more

Coolest Octopus Cake

Octopus Cake

My wife made this octopus cake for our son’s 4th birthday. We looked on this site for ideas and improvised a bit. She used a pan that is for a basketball for the body and then Twinkies for the tenticels. It turned out really well! The body was made with a pan that is used … Read more

Coolest Octopus Birthday Cake

Homemade Octopus Birthday Cake

I made this Octopus Birthday Cake for my nephew’s first birthday cake, which was an ocean/water theme. I baked two 9 in cakes and stacked them (after trimming them down) with frosting in between. I frosted the cakes with homemade vanilla buttercream frosting and used Wilton dye for the aqua color. For the octopus body, … Read more

Coolest Octopus Cake

Octopus Cake

This octopus cake came from an inspiration of many cakes on this site. First I made 2 Victoria sponge caks and then made a small Victoria in a ceramic bowl. The 2 round cakes were stuck together with jam and buttercream and covered in blue icing, the icing was not stiff so that run off … Read more

Coolest Under the Sea Cake

Homemade Under the Sea Cake

I made this under the sea cake with four boxed cakes. The first tier is vanilla and the 2nd one is chocolate. This was my first attempt at a tiered cake and while it wasn’t easy, I am pleased with the result. The octopus on top was supposed to be made from cake too, using … Read more

Coolest Octopus Cake

Homemade Octopus Cake

This octopus cake is basically a slab cake (chocolate cake mix), topped with regular icing, then with marshmallow fondant tinted blue-green. I put a half-ball of chocolate cake (from a mold, it needed to be trimmed a bit to keep the proportion) on top of the slab cake, put a large skewer through it to … Read more

Coolest Under The Sea Cake

Homemade Under The Sea Cake

This Under The Sea Cake is a cake topper for my cupcake stand. The theme of the baby shower was “under the sea”. The cupcakes had various sea creatures including lobsters, fish, octopi, coral and sea grass. The topper is a six inch round cake covered in fondant. The head is a round of rice … Read more