Made This cake for a friend of mines Granddaughter…As I have 4 Grandsons, it was a lot of fun to do a girly cake for a little girl for a change ! This cake is a 10x10x2 inch double layer square cake. It is frosted in Homemade Buttercream frosting and filled with buttercream frosting. Minnie and all decorations are made out of homemade marshmellow fondant and 100 percent editable. To make Minnie’s face, all I did was print this picture ( which I’am including in these pic.s) off of the internet. I sized it to the 4×6 size and printed 2 copies. I cut the whole shape 1st, rolled out black fondant , set minnie on top of fondant and cut the whole shape out. I then cut the bow off the paper pattern set it on my pink fondant and then cut the bow out and attached it to the black fondant minnie shaped head. I continued this process for the eyes, mouth ect… Till the minnie face was complete. Hope this helps someone like me, who is not a professional cake maker
Minnie Mouse Birthday Cake

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